TechCoop: Bridging the Credit Gap in Vietnamese Agriculture

Vietnamese farmer looking up at durian fruit hanging from tree branch.

Vietnamese farmer looking up at durian fruit hanging from tree branch.

ADI provided an anchor equity investment into Ascend Vietnam Ventures (AVV) in 2022, which helped mobilise millions in private and public investment. AVV used this capital to invest in Techcoop.

Techcoop, founded in 2022 by Hao Diep (F) and Tuan Nguyen (M), provides financial solutions to agriculture companies, cooperatives, and farmers. Smallholder farmers produce at least a third of the global food supply [1] and contribute significantly to Vietnam’s agricultural sector, which accounts for 17% of the country’s GDP [2]. Despite their role, smallholder farmers face significant barriers, especially in accessing finance. Only one third of agricultural cooperatives can access credit, as their small asset sizes mean that they cannot meet the financial sectors’ collateral requirements [3].

By the end of 2023, TechCoop had partnered with more than 1,500 agri-SMEs and farmer clubs, expanding its reach to nearly 95,000 farmers. The company has disbursed USD 8 million for both input and output financing with a 100% on-time repayment rate.